I’m New

And he arose and came to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion, and ran and embraced him and kissed him….the father said to his servants, ‘Bring quickly the best robe, and put it on him, and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet. And bring the fattened calf and kill it, and let us eat and celebrate. For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found.’ And they began to celebrate.
— Luke 15:11-32 ESV


The story Jesus told of the prodigal son is a breathtaking revelation of the Father’s heart of love for us. The Father’s heart is to run and embrace us regardless of who we are, where we’ve been, or how far we have wandered. He wants us to know that we can always come home.

Our desire at Father’s Heart Ministries is to show you the same love and joy the father had for his son in Jesus’ story. We want you to come into the warmth of our home and be found and fed by the Father. He loves you so much, and so do we.

Please join us, we can’t wait to celebrate you!

Welcome from
Pastor Renee Grochowski

We are an on-fire group of people going after everything that God has for us in the Upper Peninsula. 

You are made for a purpose, you have a destiny on your life. The Father is calling you, and we are calling you to come and walk along side of us.

We can’t wait to meet you and to walk alongside you into everything Father has for you. 

What to expect

On Sunday mornings, our doors are open as early as 9:30 am so that people can gather and enjoy each other’s company as well as some coffee and treats. We are excited to see you and will make you feel welcome.

Sunday morning services begin at 10 am. Announcements and a short word will be shared by a church member before the offering is collected.

We currently do not have a live worship team, though visiting worship groups do pass through on occasion. Instead, we utilize worship videos from various artists. You are welcome to worship however the Spirit leads you to, be that more quietly or more demonstratively.

There is an opportunity given for those to share what they may feel they have received from the Holy Spirit. We show up every week expectant in His Presence and welcoming Him to move freely.

A timely word is then shared by the pastor, and our service usually wraps up around 11:30 am, when you will have an opportunity to receive prayer.

Communion is served at every service for those who wish to partake.

After the morning’s events are over, there is more time for visiting, and of course, coffee and treats. The morning typically wraps up by 12:30 pm.

We would love to have you join us!

Plan Your Visit

  • Time

    10 am–11:30 am

    10 am–12 pm
    Intercession Thursday

    6 pm–8 pm
    Tuesday Studies

  • Location

    Father’s Heart Church
    801 Friendship Lane
    Ishpeming, MI 49849

  • Parking

    We have adequate parking that is conveniently located near the entrance of the building.

  • Accessibility

    Our building and restroom facilities are wheelchair accessible.

  • Contact Us

    (906) 250-7029

    hello @ fathersheartministries dot


Children’s Facilities

At this time, due to the current building size, we do not have any designated children’s space or classes. We encourage and welcome entire families to attend church and sit together. We are not bothered by baby noises and adventurous toddlers, all ages are welcome!

Join us at these upcoming events